

viernes, 27 de enero de 2012


Ok I need to say that I don’t have many hobbies and there aren’t amazing but I love my hobbies and sincerely I will not change it for nothing.

One to my hobbies is to listen music, because I believe that this is the best way to don’t stressed besides the music makes you (and I) happy, so happy truly.

For this reason i try to listen every time that I can, in fact I love listen music when I travel, either when I go to the university or when I travel to other place. I fell that the music is a great company above all if you travel alone. Besides many people say that the music can help you to fell better and I agree.

All my life I listened music, since I was a little girl because my parents love the music too and ever they make me listen although sometime I didn’t it. Anyway of this way I approached to the music and with the years I felt in love with it.

However when I was a teenager was the time when I really connected with the music, because in this time I started to choose “my music”, the music which I felt good and identify. Between the bands that were so important to me in this time was “My chemical romance”, “Linkin Park”. “Metallica” and more that I cannot write because it is so long.  

Now how I tell, listen music is an activity that I enjoy so much and more than a hobby I think that it is a way of life, for this I try to teach to my daughter the beautiful of the music no matter what music is. And I hope that in the future she could enjoy as much as I her music.   

sábado, 21 de enero de 2012

Green World

I think that the people are not riendly with enviroment, for this reason the things are like are, so bad.

In general all just see like the world is contaminate, and even I have to admit that I don´t do too about it, this doesn´t mean that I do nothing, just I think that isn´t enought. 

Some of the things that I do are, for example, recycling soda cans, this is something that I do since several years; for a time I and my family collect up cans of every place that we visit and when we have much cans we go to storage facility and sell it. With this we help to reduce the garbage (or a bit).

Other thing that I did was supported to Greenpeace although for some time and I liked it because I felt that I did something although it was little, regrettably this just last for a short time because I did money problems. I would like to continue to assist it in the future.

About the society I believe that miss ecological consciousness and teach to the people since they are kids about how care the nature, for they know that they have the power to do something to change the actual situation, because creating consciousness the people will feel they can and should do something about it.

viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

If the things has been of the other way

If I am sincere when I was young (more than now) I never thought study psychology, in fact I thought study medicine, because I liked help to people and I was dream with job in a hospital.

I believed that I was born for this; I loved all the things related with to be a doctor even the fact that to see and work in areas with blood.

But the life wants other thing because when I first conducted the P.S.U. I didn’t have a good mark. And then for first time I thought that maybe this degree course was not to me, and this was make me fell so sad for a several time, because I didn’t think other chance to my life. But I tried to be calm and think in other chances, because this wasn’t the end; then I thought that the best choice was do a preuniversitario for to prepare myself again. So I did that, I studied a year for the P.S.U.  And during this year I dedicated to know other choices that could interest me, and so was I arrived to the Psychology, a discipline that mix parts of the medical treatment and help to people. For this features I start to find out about it and when I knew several things about it I fell in love.

Finally I conducted the P.S.U. again and enter to Psychology. And since of this moment I felt that this was and are the best decision that I make. Now I think that the Psychology is the best to me, I like many topics and many theories, and I love the fact that I can work with people.

 Now I am sure that my life couldn’t be otherwise.

viernes, 13 de enero de 2012

About the memory.

Of the same way that it is write in the new “the Memory is our past and future”. Is the moment or the space that cans we to know who we are as a people, and to have several ideas about we need or we most. And the memory cans we remember all life histories, for better or worse, and with this information we can to head to the future.

By means of the memory we are alert and connected with the reality. For this reason  this ability is so important; and is so studied too, especially in the area of Psychology, in which for its studies is separate or called of the different way (but all are part of the memory).

For example they talk about “semantic memory" which conjure up dates and times and places, but not just it, because include it feelings, sensory details, etc. which are collect in the “autobiographical memory”. The "memory for complex" actions saves information which you can do different action like play an instrument. These are some types of memories but exist others like "emotional memory", "long term memory", and "short term memory", etc.

When the memories are constructed by the brain, its include many aspect and facts relate with the fact that is saved, our brain combines fragments of sensory memory with a more abstract knowledge about events, and reassembles them according to the demands of the present. For this our memory saves not only the “good things” or the “mechanic things”, but it makes a complex production about our experiences besides it is capable to gives it significance.

The memory is part of our alert system and make possible that we are connected with the reality and besides with ourselves and with our history.

viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Music! ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

Talk to music is talk about a very important part of my life; in fact the music is my life.

All my life I had listen music, because my parents love the music like me and in my childhood I listened a lot of music, different types of music, rock, pop, dance, techno and I don’t know what else.

Well I start to list music for myself when I had 13 or 14 years, and the music that I chose was something similar to rock. I listened several bands like Metallica and Linkin Park, and then I was feeling like a rebel, although I was not rebel.

With the years I fall in love with the music, my life starts to spin with it. I changed my look thanks to music, and I felt that I was so special and unique and that my music (because was mine) was the best.

In this years I knew “my love of the music”, the singer of My Chemical Romance (“Gerard Way”) I lover his and I loved the band. In fact I have the entire disc and when they came to Chile I went to see them.

Now I think that I loved them very much because I identified very much with them.

Finally now I continue listen music, but now I listen many types of music. Generally I prefer the “dark” music, namely the music that is not so commercial and that it has so guitars and drums. Music cans song some “epic” or I don’t know. That music song different and special above all to me.

Now I listen so much Within Temptation, I say that is my favorite band (now)

viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011

My feels for Facso

Really I think ever that Facso is a very special place, in fact I think that is other world, because it has its rulers, its culture and its own worldview. All the people that “live” here know it, although not ever they perceive it. 
Well when I say live here I mean that study here all the days and the most part of the day do that you feel that your life past here.

In my case I love Facso for several reasons, because since to come here ever I’d feel that this is my place. I’m feel so good and happy coming to class. Maybe I have not been to many parties in the pastos (because I had pregnant) but the time that I could it I enjoyed it so much.

A thing that I love of Facso is that here there are many differences, not only of ideas, fate all of characteristics of the people too, and this does that the environment is nice and comfortable, capable to tolerate different views and ways to being. I love and value so much this, I thing that is the base of the life together.

And finally the places that I love of Facso are the “Bar”, the space under the stairs, because here I study and sometime I sleep too.   Other place that I love is the “casino”, because there eat and rest next to my classes.

And a place that I love and consider so beautiful is the entrance hall where have roses, trees, and grass.  This is the place that makes me happy every morning when I arrive to the faculty.

viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2011

Ho ho ho!

Well what could I say... this year was and is so different, in several things that`s right I think that was hope this situation...  but this don´t means that I am totally happy, because equally I liked stay with my family think only in this holydays, and think that this is the first Christmas for my daughter.

But the reality is other.

About the classes I think that is right to come back to it, in fact I missed to come to the university and study. For this reason I happy, although I can´t stop to think in the people that is in holydays, planning their travels, etc.
Whatever! Equally I travel to Christmas, I’ll go to Temuco and I will be so happy with my family, although this will for small time.

I hope that you will enjoy this dates and can travel or stay with your family…
And I hope that you don’t have test after the “holydays” (Ho ho ho).