

viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

If the things has been of the other way

If I am sincere when I was young (more than now) I never thought study psychology, in fact I thought study medicine, because I liked help to people and I was dream with job in a hospital.

I believed that I was born for this; I loved all the things related with to be a doctor even the fact that to see and work in areas with blood.

But the life wants other thing because when I first conducted the P.S.U. I didn’t have a good mark. And then for first time I thought that maybe this degree course was not to me, and this was make me fell so sad for a several time, because I didn’t think other chance to my life. But I tried to be calm and think in other chances, because this wasn’t the end; then I thought that the best choice was do a preuniversitario for to prepare myself again. So I did that, I studied a year for the P.S.U.  And during this year I dedicated to know other choices that could interest me, and so was I arrived to the Psychology, a discipline that mix parts of the medical treatment and help to people. For this features I start to find out about it and when I knew several things about it I fell in love.

Finally I conducted the P.S.U. again and enter to Psychology. And since of this moment I felt that this was and are the best decision that I make. Now I think that the Psychology is the best to me, I like many topics and many theories, and I love the fact that I can work with people.

 Now I am sure that my life couldn’t be otherwise.

5 comentarios:

  1. I pass through a similar sitation at the moment that I have to choose the carrier for me, and as the same as you, now I realize that the option that I decided It was the right.

  2. In a school I wanted studied medicine too, but finally I understood that my vocation was Psychology

  3. In most cases, the PSU does not show how much you know .... But give the PSU again, served you to find what you really liked: Psychology :)
    See you

  4. Lots of Psycology students wanted to be doctors! I don't know why, what's common between these carrers?

    1. The only common thing I see, is that with both carrers you can try to help people, but they're totally different! Anyway, psychology is a good choice :) so, don't be sad anymore ;)
